Organized by guest curator David Dixon and Archivio Casorati
For the third event of the project GRAND TOUR – Journey through Italian Collections, the Studio Museo Felice Casorati presents The Beginning, an exhibition curated by David Dixon, which brings together the artwork of Luisa Rabbia in dialogue with those of Huma Bhabha, Ross Bleckner, Gianni Caravaggio, Mario Diacono, Jason Dodge, Scott Grodesky, Jannis Kounellis, Piero Manzoni, Claudio Parmiggiani, and Beatrice Pediconi.
The group exhibition, The Beginning, starts with two major paintings by Brooklyn-based artist, Luisa Rabbia, NorthEastSouthWest (2014, Collezione Maramotti) and Birth (2017, Collezione Francesca Lavazza). These sizable works set the tone for the exhibition’s subsequent selections from the work of ten diverse, international artists, generously loaned from Collezione Maramotti. The Beginning marks a return for the Italian-born Rabbia who emigrated to New York from Turin in 2000, and elaborates certain themes common to Rabbia’s oeuvre, touching deep chords in the human psyche regarding origin, appearance, and direction on both a terrestrial and celestial scale.
The exhibition spans three locations in the village of Pavarolo, installing over twenty works of art in the Studio Museo Felice Casorati, in the adjacent garden-level rooms of Casa Casorati, and in the village’s central clock tower, all within a short stroll through this charming hill town, a twenty minute drive from Turin. The Beginning is organized by the Municipality of Pavarolo and the Casorati Archive in collaboration with the Collezione Maramotti (Reggio Emilia), Collezione Francesca Lavazza (Turin), Peter Blum Gallery (New York), and Galleria Giorgio Persano (Turin).
Studio Museo Felice Casorati

night and the distance from the earth to above the weather, 2010), Luisa Rabbia (Birth, 2017)

colore della notte e lungo quanto la distanza dalla terra al cielo, al di sopra dei fenomeni
atmosferici, 2010), Gianni Caravaggio (Poco dopo, 2008), Beatrice Pediconi (Polaroid #7, #4, #1, #16 , 2013)

colore della notte e lungo quanto la distanza dalla terra al cielo, al di sopra dei fenomeni
atmosferici, 2010)

Casa Casorati
